Silicon Wafer Fabrication Process
than 90% of the earth's crust is composed of Silica (SiO
Silicate, making silicon the second most abundant element on earth.
When sand glitters in sunlight, that's silica. Silicon is found in
myriad compounds in nature and industry. Most importantly to
technology, silicon is the principle platform for semiconductor
devices. The most advanced semiconductor technologies of today and
tomorrow require monocrystalline Silicon with precise uniform chemical
characteristics, for instance controlled dopant and oxygen content. The
process to transform
raw silicon into a useable single-crystal substrate for modern
semiconductor processes begins by mining for relatively pure Silicon
Dioxide. Most silicon now is made by reduction of SiO
2 with
Carbon in
an electric furnace from 1500 to 2000
oC. With carefully
selected pure
sand, the result is commercial brown Metallurgical Grade Silicon of 97%
purity or better. This is the silicon eventually used for
semiconductors, but it must be further purified to bring impurities
below the parts-per-billion level.
is reacted with HCl to form trichlorosilane (TCS) in a
fluidized-bed reactor (@300
oC) according to the chemical
reaction Si +
3HCl --> SiHCl
3 + H
2. TCS is an intermediate
compound for
polysilicon manufacturing. In the course of converting MG-Si to TCS,
impurities such as Fe, Al and B are removed. This ultra-pure TCS is
subsequently vaporized (distilling the TCS
achieves an even higher
level of purity), diluted with H
2, and flowed into a
deposition reactor
where it is retransformed into elemental silicon. This polysilicon has
typical contamination levels of less than .001 ppb.
that a high level of purity has been attained (99.999999999% eleven
nines), the atomic structure of the silicon must be dealt with. A
process known as Crystal Growing transforms polycrystalline silicon
into samples with a singular crystal orientation, known as ingots. The
Polysilicon is mechanically broken into 1 to 3 inch chunks and
undergoes stringent surface etching and cleaning in a cleanroom
environment. These chunks are then packed into quartz crucibles for
meltdown (at 1420
oC) in a CZ furnace. A monocrystalline
seed is
installed into a seed shaft in the upper chamber of the furnace.
Slowly, the seed is lowered so that it dips approximately 2mm into the
Silicon melt. Next, the seed is slowly retracted from the surface
allowing the melt to solidify at the boundary. As the seed pulls the
Silicon from the melt, both the crucible and the seed are rotated in
opposite directions to allow for an almost round crystal to form. CZ
furnaces also must be very stable and isolated from vibrations. Once
the proper crystal diameter is achieved, the seed lift is increased.
This, along with the heat transfer from heater elements will control
the diameter of the crystal. (Images from
Wacker - How To Make Silicon)
During the growth process, the crucible slowly dissolves Oxygen into
the melt that is incorporated into the final crystal in typical
concentrations of around 25ppma. Intentional additions of dopants
control the resistivity distribution of the final crystal. In addition
to pull speed and heat transfer at the solid-liquid interface, heat
dissipation during crystal cooling strongly determines microscopic
defect characteristics in the final crystal. For modern CZ pulling
systems, those variables can be accurately predicted by numerical
simulations which allow designing the geometrical and thermal
configuration of the CZ puller to the desired outcome of the crystals.
Once the growth process is complete, the crystal is cooled inside the
furnace for up to 7 hours. This gradual cooling allows the crystal
lattice to stabilize and makes handling easier before transport to the
next operation. For some applications, it is important to have
even lower concentrations of impurity atoms (eg. Oxygen) than what can
be achieved by CZ crystal growth. In this case, Float Zone Crystal
Growth is used. In this process the end of a long polysilicon rod is
locally melted and brought in contact with a monocrystalline
Silicon seed. The melted zone slowly migrates through the poly rod
leaving behind a final uniform crystal.
Ingots coming from crystal growing are slightly over-sized in diameter
and typically not round. Hence, a machine employing a grindwheel
shapes the ingot to the precision needed for wafer diameter control.
Other grinding wheels are then used
to carve a characteristic notch or a flat in order to define the proper
orientation of
the future wafer versus a particular crystallographic axis.
shaping involves a series of precise mechanical and chemical
process steps that are necessary to turn the ingot segment into a
functional wafer. It is during these steps that the wafer surfaces and
dimensions are perfected to exacting detail. Each step is designed to
bring the wafer into compliance with each customer specification. The
first of these critical steps is Multi-Wiring Slicing.
The dominant state of the art slicing technology is Multi-Wire Sawing
(MWS). Here, a thin wire is arranged over cylindrical spools so that
hundreds of parallel wire segments simultaneously travel through the
ingot. While the saw as a whole slowly moves through the ingot, the
individual wire segments conduct a translational motion always bringing
fresh wire into contact with the Silicon. The sawing effect is actually
achieved by SiC or other grinding agents that run along the rotating
wire. After MWS the wafers are cleaned and consolidated into process
lots and transported to the next operation.
The sideward deflection of the wire saw can lead to marks or "waviness"
on the wafer surface and wire-to-wire thickness variations cause wafer
thickness variations of up to several microns. Wafers are thus exposed
to a complex polishing process.
State of the art front surface polishing is performed generally in a
two step process. One mechanical polishing step (lapping) to create
followed by a chemical etch to create smoothness. After polishing, the
wafers are subjected to a final clean. Lapping the wafers removes
saw marks and surface defects from the front and backside of the
wafers, thins the wafer to spec and relieves much of the stress
accumulated in the wafer during the sawing process. Edge rounding is
normally done before or after lapping and is very important to the
structural integrity of the wafer. The edges of 200mm and 300mm wafers
are rounded even in the notch area. On the best prime wafers the edges
themselves are also highly polished, a step that can improve cleaning
results on wafers and reduce breakage up to 400%. Process Specialties
has seen a notable yield differential between poorly and perfectly edge
rounded material.
For many applications, the
quality of a polished wafer is not sufficient. This is mainly due to
defects generated during crystal growth in the bulk of the wafer. These
defects, when they are within a few microns to the surface, can
deteriorate the performance of devices built on top.
Presently, the best solution to this problem is to deposit an
additional layer of high purity Silicon on the top of a polished wafer
substrate (an Epi Layer).
After a final clean and polish, wafers are ready for a final inspection
before delivery.
Different Methods of Fabrication
Horizontal gradient freeze method - gradient freeze technique is a
static technique where the melt is gradually solidified by the movement
of a temperature gradient along the melt. In this technique a sealed
tube holds the starting materials, e.g. highly pure Ga and As (both 6-9
9s pure). The Ga is placed in a quartz crucible at one end of the
furnace, and the As is located at the other end. Separating the two
substances is a porous barrier which will allow As vapor to react with
the Ga. The quartz tube is placed in a two zone furnace where the
section containing the As is held at about 620
oC, while the section with Ga is ramped between 1238
oC and 1270
The temperature in the second furnace is adjusted slightly to melt only
a portion of the seed crystal. When the crystal is formed, it must be
cooled slowly and evenly to avoid stress induced dislocations.
Horizontal Bridgeman method - In this method the furnace is
moved along the length of the quartz tube such that the solidification
of the melt starting from the seed crystal is achieved as the seed moved
from the hotter to the colder section of the furnace. The shape of the
crystal is constrained by the walls of the tube. The crystals are
typically D-shaped and are seeded in the <111> direction. In
general, significantly lower thermal stresses can be obtained in
horizontal Bridgeman technique than with the CZ technique. Dislocation
densities also tend to be less (~600 cm
Vertical Bridgeman method - In vertical Bridgeman growth the
quartz or PBN crucible contains the seed in a well at the bottom and
polycrystaline material above it. For growth to occur, the initial
charge and a portion of the seed is melted and the crucible is lowered
slowly into the bottom section of the furnace. Instead of moving the
crucible the furnace can be moved relative to the crucible.
Vertical Gradient Freeze - In vertical gradient freeze (VGF)
technique, the crucible and the furnace are kept stationary and the
growth is achieved y slowly cooling the melt in an appropriate
temperature gradient. One of the principal advantages of the VGF
technique is the reduced axial and radial temperature gradients which
translate into low dislocation densities of ~ 20 cm
Czochralski Pulling Method - One of the most important
techniques for the growth of large round single crystals. A seeded
crystal is withdrawn from the melt and is rotated to maintain thermal
geometry and cylindrical geometry. The seed is dipped into the melt
whose temperature is lowered until a small amount of crystalline
material is solidified. The seed is then slowly withdrawn from the melt
at the rate of 1 to 10 mm per hour. the melt temperature is lowered
slowly and the diameter of the crystal increases. Once the desired
diameter is reached, the lowering of the temperature is stopped. Growth
at a constant diameter is maintained till the desired length is grown.
CZ technique has difficulties when the melt is composed of different
elements. Decomposition of the melt can occur. The liquid encapsulation
technique can be utilized to provide counter pressure to elements within
the melt trying to evaporate. The encapsulant must have low vapor
pressure, low viscosity, density lower than that of the melt, and should
not mix or react with the melt or the crucible, and should melt before
significant decomposition of the poly material occurs. B
3 is commonly used as an encapsulant.